10 Ways to Care for Yourself

October 18, 2023
Girl Dancing at Home

Caring for yourself doesn’t mean you’re selfish; it means you care about your well-being as much as you care about everyone else’s. This can be hard to remember in a world that often demands that we put others first, all the time, but learning how to take care of yourself will make you happier and more fulfilled in your relationships with others—as well as more capable of handling the pressures of life. There are many ways to practice self-care and this list can help inspire you to find the ways that work best for you.

1) Identify What Your Self-Care Looks Like

Acknowledging that you need self-care and taking action on it aren’t always as simple as they sound. Self-care is a holistic, individualized thing—different things work for different people. The first step in caring for yourself is identifying what your self-care looks like What makes you feel whole? What’s important to you? And why are these things important? It may be something like calling your mother every week; maybe it’s going out with friends at least once a month; or maybe it’s meditating every morning and journaling every night. Whatever it is, find something that works specifically for you—and start working on building more of that into your life.

2) Take Time Out for You

It’s easy to get caught up in your personal and professional life, but it’s just as important to remember that you need some me time. Spend an afternoon in a spa or go on a weekend getaway. Make sure you spend time relaxing and making yourself feel good. This can help re-energize you and make your relationships stronger, too.

brown hut island gazebo

3) Remove Work From Your Mind

Stress can add up, negatively impacting your health and quality of life. It’s important to take time every day or every week to step away from your desk and all things work-related. To stay focused on your health and well-being, schedule an hour each day where you clear your mind of everything else by working out, meditating, or taking a walk in nature. Exercise is a natural stress reliever and has been shown to boost energy levels—not just immediately after working out but over time as well. When it comes down to it, making an effort to slow down every once in a while will improve both short-term productivity and long-term health.

4) Sleep Is Key

When we get enough sleep, our bodies operate at full capacity. When we don’t, it takes a toll on both physical and mental health. A lack of sleep can lead to chronic stress and has been linked to high blood pressure, weight gain, an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and more serious illnesses like cancer. Start by working toward getting eight hours of rest per night (though it’s best not to obsess over hitting that number; anything between seven and nine is fine). First, start by turning off electronics (TVs, phones) one hour before bedtime and dimming your lights. Then try taking a warm bath or reading a book in bed before sleeping in complete darkness.

5) Exercise Before A Bad Day

People who exercise before a bad day are much less likely to be in a bad mood come lunchtime. The extra boost of endorphins, motivation, and energy that working out gives you can last all day long. If you’re not working out regularly, start small by taking a brisk walk during your lunch break—even if it’s just five minutes of movement. All those little boosts will add up over time and contribute to a better mood overall!

6) Make Time For The People That Inspire You

Relationships are a key part of self-care. Find friends who inspire you, hold you accountable, and allow you to be your authentic self. Make sure that at least once a week, if not more often, you’re able to sit down with them and just enjoy each other’s company. It may sound cheesy but remember, if it didn’t work in grade school (or high school), it doesn’t work now. Hang out with people who make you laugh—so hard that it hurts—and those who bring out your best qualities like compassion and openness (even when those qualities seem lost on others). With a support system behind you, even day-to-day tasks can become easier.

7) Get Into Yoga or Meditation

You don’t have to be a yogi or mystic to get into yoga or meditation. For most people, it’s just about sitting down and stilling your mind—both difficult things when you’re bogged down with everyday life. It takes time and patience, but even short doses of self-care each day can help improve your mental well-being. Both are beneficial stress relievers, so start small (even one minute!) and build up from there. Ultimately, learning how to care for yourself is key not only to feeling happier but also to being more productive in all areas of life—and that means better business results too!

8) Drink Water And Green Tea Instead Of Coffee (Just Once in a While!)

If you’re looking to lose weight and improve your overall health, there are certain habits that you want to avoid—and one of them is caffeinated beverages. While coffee might give you a boost in the morning, it can also raise your stress levels and cause headaches or jitters throughout your day. When you drink caffeinated beverages, not only do they affect your energy level and concentration, but they also raise cortisol levels—the hormone responsible for storing belly fat! Instead of drinking coffee once in a while, switch out these drinks with water and green tea—not only will you save money on expensive coffees at Starbucks, but you’ll get an added metabolism boost from all those antioxidants. You’ll feel so much better after just one week!

9) Protect Your Skin From The Sun With 30 SPF

Exposing your skin to harmful UV rays is never a good idea, but it’s particularly important to do everything you can to protect yourself from sun damage during cold weather. That’s because, without feeling too hot or being exposed to excessive sweat, you might forget that you need protection at all. Since winter skin is typically more sensitive than in other seasons, using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day will be essential when temperatures plummet. Even better? Look for SPF moisturizers that double as foundation and concealer.

10) Know When To Say No To Others and Yes To Yourself

In any busy lifestyle, it’s easy to say yes when you mean no. You don’t want to inconvenience people, feel guilty, or be a party pooper. The most important thing about self-care is being honest with yourself and letting go of your need to please others at your own expense. If you’re not doing something because you really want to do it, don’t do it—even if someone else wants you to do it. The goal is simple: Take care of yourself first and then everything else will fall into place. While it’s important to be generous with others, you also need to keep in mind that self-care is a good thing. Saying no and taking some time for yourself can help you avoid burnout, have more energy, and better achieve your goals. When life feels overwhelming and stressful, remember: Take a deep breath and relax—you can do it! Just saying no every once in a while is an excellent way of treating yourself well. Say yes to something else instead of overbooking yourself—it might just be what you need right now.

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