Five Tips to Build Self Confidence

October 18, 2023
Woman Smiling

Confidence is one of the most sought-after traits and can make all the difference between success and failure in nearly every aspect of life. People with high levels of confidence are more likely to find a job they love, make friends easily, impress others, and get what they want out of life. Despite its importance, there are plenty of ways to be lacking in confidence and it can be difficult to develop self-confidence on your own. Video:

If you want to start building your confidence, check out these five tips that can help you begin building self-confidence today!

1) Focus on what you like about yourself

People who are confident in themselves and their abilities don’t waste time stressing over their strengths, weaknesses, or body image. If you’re struggling with your self-confidence and don’t know where to start, start with what you do like about yourself. For example, do you like that you work hard? Do you appreciate that you have a good attitude? Take note of these things when they occur and focus on them whenever possible. By constantly reminding yourself of your own strong points, it’s easier to overcome any negative thoughts or doubts—and replace them with positive ones. Feeling good about yourself is the first step toward having others feel good about you too. After all, who would want to be around someone constantly telling them how not good enough they are? The easiest way to build confidence is by being comfortable in your own skin first: Focus on aspects of life that make it easier for others to feel comfortable around you as well as keep a positive attitude towards every situation.

2) Set tiny goals

Setting tiny goals is a simple way to feel like you’re accomplishing things, which builds confidence. You might want to lose 15 pounds in three months, but when you think about that daunting task and how it’s broken down into manageable chunks (lose 2 pounds every week for five weeks), achieving that goal can seem a lot more manageable. Even if your end goal is a big one (say, running a marathon), breaking it up into smaller steps can make you feel more confident that you can actually complete it. Make time for physical activity: It’s easy for self-confidence to dip when we’re focused on work and family obligations instead of taking care of ourselves.

3) Be honest with yourself

Ask yourself what you’re doing well and what you can improve on. You can’t grow unless you know your weaknesses. If you feel uncomfortable with self-evaluation, start by asking a friend or family member for their honest feedback, then take it from there. Be proud of your strengths, but be committed to working on your weaknesses as well.

4) Watch your words

The words you say (or don’t say) are like marbles rolling around in your mind. If you speak positively, those good feelings and ideas stick. If you say things that make you feel like crap, negative thoughts can take over and trigger stress and anxiety—ultimately making it harder for you to achieve your goals. To build confidence, be mindful of how you talk about yourself—to yourself or others. Speak well of yourself! You deserve it!

5) Watch your body language

Many people don’t realize that posture and body language can have a huge impact on how confident we feel. Slumping in your chair and slouching over your desk can actually reduce confidence, making it seem like you don’t care about what you’re doing, even if you really do. Instead, practice sitting up straight and using good posture throughout your day—the better you stand (or sit), the more confident others will think you are.

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